Home Hip Avascular Necrosis Of the HIP

Avascular Necrosis Of the HIP

Avascular Necrosis Of the HIP
Avascular Necrosis Of the HIP

Avascular Necrosis Of the HIP


Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is classified as osteonecrosis occurring because of some kind of disturbance of blood supply to the head of femur. The reasons are many – either atraumatic or traumatic. Avascular necrosis treatment of hip is possible under the best doctors in Patna, India at AIOR – Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation https://www.aior.co.in/best-orthopedic-hospital.php. In some cases, Advanced Hip Replacement Surgery becomes inevitable.

Often blood vessels get harmed due to injuries like dislocated joints. This can lead to minor breaks in the bone and ultimately the bone collapses (i.e.the femoral head). The most common people to get affected by this condition are between the ages of 30 and 50 years.

In more than ninety percent of cases the cause is unknown and called as Idiopathic Avascular necrosis of the head. In the remaining ten percent approximately, the causes may be attributed to alcohol intake, steroid intake, or is even found in some types of anemia (sickle cell anemia). It is more prevalent in some part of India (some parts of Maharashtra) so genetic attribution also exists.


A dislocated joint might injure or damage blood vessels that are close to it. We all are aware of the fact that cancer treatments include radiation, which can weaken bones and adversely affect blood vessels.

Also, if you suffer from a blood clotting issue, then blood thinners like warfarin can prevent clots in the vessels that feed your bones.

Risk factors for Osteonecrosis

  • Post Solid organ transplantation
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Renal Failure
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

Symptoms of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head

  • Minimal pain in the joint in the early stages.
  • As bone and joint begin to collapse the joint pain becomes severe.
  • As pain becomes severe there is limited range of motion.
  • Sometimes a hip problem can be manifested in the form of knee pain.



The history and clinical examination are particularly important and moreover the aetiology or the cause should be found. Diagnosis is made by pairing the clinical presentation with appropriate imaging. The use of imaging in the context of the patient’s symptoms can help guide appropriate treatment. Imaging includes magnetic resonance – MRI, X-rays, and radionuclide bone scanning.

Stages of AVN Femoral head


Stage 1 has a normal x-ray, but MRI reveals the dead bone. 

Stage 2 can be observed on an X-ray though a collapse in the femoral ball cannot be seen.

Stage 3 reveals signs of collapse (known as a crescent sign), which are visible on an X-ray. 

Stage 4 an X-ray reveals signs of cartilage damage, which is also referred as osteoarthritis.



Frequently asked question – “Is AVN curable?”

The answer is – it depends on the stage of presentation.

While these nonsurgical treatments may slow down the avascular necrosis, most people with the condition eventually need surgery.

Avascular necrosis treatment is necessary; find the best doctor for avascular necrosis in India at AIOR – Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation https://www.aior.co.in/best-orthopedic-hospital.php

Surgical options include:

  1. Muscle pedicle bone grafts
  2. Core Decompression
  3. Bone grafts (vascularised or strut grafts).

It’s a guarded prognosis though in the primary stages Femoral Head salvage surgery can be tried.

Nowadays Tissue-Targeted Cell Therapies is recommended.

Treatment of Degenerative Diseases like AVN is an option one can choose but the conservative or salvage procedures are workable only in initial stages. Eventually in case these fail you can choose to go for a Total Hip Replacement.


Progressing of osteonecrosis to acute arthritis and the need for hip replacement in some cases can be prevented by Core decompression. A call can be taken by the doctor depending on the stage and size of the osteonecrosis during the procedure.
Obviously early diagnosis and treatment is always preferable. So, when osteonecrosis is diagnosed in the initial stages, prior to the bone collapse, the results achieved from core decompression are much better.
In such cases, the bone starts to heal and regains its blood supply after the core decompression surgery. Yes, the healing process of the bone takes a few months. During this time a walker or crutches is certainly needed, so that you avoid stressing the damaged bone.
Patients who have undergone successful core decompression surgery usually start walking without assistance in a matter of just 3 months and get completely relived from pain. Though in a situation when osteonecrosis is diagnosed after the bone collapses, having a core decompression surgery might not help.
In such a case total hip replacement will be the best treatment.

Total hip replacement renders complete relief from the pain and also restores the functioning in most patients with osteonecrosis.


Total Hip Replacement


The total hip replacement procedure:

The socket and the head of the femur is replaced by an artificial device.

There are cases where the osteonecrosis has advanced to an extent that the femoral head has collapsed. In such cases the most successful solution or treatment is hip replacement.

When you are considering hip replacement surgery cost in India, you will realize that they vary. But, one of the best choices for Total Hip Replacement in India is at AIOR, Patna https://www.drashishsingh.com/

The procedure involves the removal of the damaged bone and cartilage. Then the new metal or plastic joint surfaces are positioned thus, the function of the hip is restored.  

You will find the best treatment for Avascular Necrosis in India at Patna only at AIOR – Anup Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation https://www.drashishsingh.com/bookappointment/appointment.php

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